So has anyone been following this show? I just heard about it and am trying to catch up on it now. Basically these people signed up to participate in an arranged marriage. It is done pretty scientifically with several different types of therapists conducting the interviews and matching the couples. The interesting thing is that two of the couples are still together and only one of the couples decided to divorce at the end of the experiment. Interestingly enough the couple to divorce is the black couple. I mention their race because I wonder when they were matched did the experts take cultural differences into consideration. In looking at the interviews I immediately saw that they were both very head strong people, which I thought would be a clash. He is also ex-military and not that it is a bad trait, I have found most military men are very domineering and this young lady did not look like she would take being dominated. The funny part is they both said those are traits that they are looking for but I think sometimes people are not honest about what they want in a partner. Like I run into a lot of men who say they want a settled woman but in all reality being settled gets boring and then they use that as an excuse to cheat I might not necessarily agree with the science of matchmaking but the romantic in me still believes in love at first sight. What do you think?
You can read more about where they are now
HERE. The six month reunion show airs on September 16th.
Not me!! Stopping by to say hello
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